Всем привет ! Такой вопрос, нужно добавить глобальные тэги в модуль Billing (тэги вида [group=1] и тд). Проблема в том, что в шаблоне шаблон/billing.tpl тэги работают, а вот в tpl шаблон/billing/cabinet.tpl уже не работают.
Подскажите пжл, как это исправить ? Понял что вывод идёт в файле devtools.php из /engine/modules/billing/helpers
Вот его содержимое:
Подскажите пжл, как это исправить ? Понял что вывод идёт в файле devtools.php из /engine/modules/billing/helpers
Вот его содержимое:
<?php if( ! defined( 'BILLING_MODULE' ) ) die( "Hacking attempt!" );
* DLE Billing
* @link https://github.com/mr-Evgen/dle-billing-module
* @author dle-billing.ru <evgeny.tc@gmail.com>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2012-2017, mr_Evgen
# Пользовательский интерфейс
Class DevTools
private static $instance;
private function __construct(){}
private function __clone() {}
private function __wakeup() {}
public static function Start()
if ( empty(self::$instance) )
self::$instance = new self();
return self::$instance->Loader();
# ..дублируем переменные dle
var $dle = array();
var $member_id = array();
var $_TIME = false;
# ..данные модуля
var $config = array();
var $lang = array();
var $get_plugin = '';
var $get_method = '';
var $API = false;
var $LQuery = false;
var $BalanceUser = false;
protected $elements = array();
protected $element_block = array();
protected $Plugins = array();
# Загрузка
private function Loader()
global $config, $member_id, $_TIME, $db;
$this->lang = include DLEPlugins::Check( MODULE_PATH . '/lang/cabinet.php' );
$this->config = include MODULE_DATA . '/config.php';
# ..модуль отключен
if( ! $this->config['status'] )
if( $_GET['c'] == "pay" and $_GET['m'] == "get" ) exit("Off");
if( $member_id['user_group'] != 1 )
echo $this->lang['cabinet_off'];
echo $this->lang['off'];
$this->LQuery = new LibraryQuerys( $db, $this->config['fname'], $_TIME );
$this->API = new BillingAPI( $db, $member_id, $this->config, $_TIME );
$this->dle = $config;
$this->member_id = $member_id;
$this->_TIME = $_TIME;
$this->BalanceUser = $this->API->Convert( $this->member_id[$this->config['fname']] );
# Параметры загрузки
$arrParams = array();
$parseRoute = array_map(function($value) {
return ( preg_match( "/[\||\'|\<|\>|\"|\!|\?|\$|\@|\/|\\\|\&\~\*\+]/", $value ) || empty($value) ) ? '': $value;
}, explode('/', $_GET['route']));
$defaultRoute = explode('/', $this->config['start']);
$this->get_plugin = $parseRoute[0] ?: $defaultRoute[0];
$this->get_method = $m = $parseRoute[1] ?: $defaultRoute[1];
$RealURL = $this->URL( $this->get_plugin );
$parseRoute = count( $parseRoute ) > 2 ? $parseRoute : $defaultRoute;
if( count( $parseRoute ) > 2 )
for( $n = 2; $n < count( $parseRoute ); $n++ )
$arrParams[$parseRoute[$n]] = $parseRoute[$n+1];
# Подключение страницы
if( file_exists( DLEPlugins::Check( MODULE_PATH . '/controllers/user.' . $RealURL . '.php' ) ) )
require_once DLEPlugins::Check( MODULE_PATH . '/controllers/user.' . $RealURL . '.php' );
# Подключение плагина
elseif( file_exists( DLEPlugins::Check( MODULE_PATH . '/plugins/' . $RealURL . '/user.main.php' ) ) )
require_once DLEPlugins::Check( MODULE_PATH . '/plugins/' . $RealURL . '/user.main.php' );
echo sprintf($this->lang['cabinet_controller_error'], $this->get_plugin);
$Cabinet = new USER;
if( in_array($m, get_class_methods($Cabinet) ) )
$Cabinet->DevTools = $this;
echo $Cabinet->$m( $arrParams );
echo sprintf($this->lang['cabinet_metod_error'], $this->get_plugin, $this->get_method);
# Добавить тег
function ThemeSetElement( $field, $value )
$this->elements[$field] = $value;
# Добавить двойной тег
function ThemeSetElementBlock( $fields, $value )
$this->element_block[$fields] = $value;
# Дата и время
function ThemeChangeTime( $time, $format )
date_default_timezone_set( $this->dle['date_adjust'] );
$ndate = date('j.m.Y', $time);
$ndate_time = date('H:i', $time);
if( $ndate == date('j.m.Y') )
return $this->lang['cabinet_now'] . $ndate_time;
elseif($ndate == date('j.m.Y', strtotime('-1 day')))
return $this->lang['cabinet_rnow'] . $ndate_time;
return langdate( $format, $time );
# Массив плагинов
function Plugins()
if( $this->Plugins ) return $this->Plugins;
$List = opendir( MODULE_PATH . "/plugins/" );
while ( $name = readdir($List) )
if ( in_array($name, array(".", "..", "/", "index.php", ".htaccess")) ) continue;
$this->Plugins[mb_strtolower($name)] = parse_ini_file( MODULE_PATH . '/plugins/' . $name . '/info.ini' );
$this->Plugins[mb_strtolower($name)]['config'] = file_exists( MODULE_DATA . '/plugin.' . mb_strtolower($name) . '.php' ) ? include MODULE_DATA . '/plugin.' . mb_strtolower($name) . '.php' : array();
return $this->Plugins;
# Загрузить файл шаблона
function ThemeLoad( $TplPath )
$Content = @file_get_contents( ROOT_DIR . "/templates/" . $this->dle['skin'] . "/billing/" . $TplPath . ".tpl" ) or die( $this->lang['cabinet_theme_error'] . "$TplName.tpl" );
return $Content;
# Отобразить страницу
function Show( $Content )
$Cabinet = @file_get_contents( ENGINE_DIR . "/cache/system/billing.php" );
if( $Cabinet == false )
$Cabinet = $this->ThemeLoad( 'cabinet' );
$TplPlugin = $this->ThemePregMatch( $Cabinet, '~\[plugin\](.*?)\[/plugin\]~is' );
$PluginsList = '';
if( count( $this->Plugins() ) )
foreach( $this->Plugins() as $name => $pl_config )
if( ! $pl_config['config']['name'] or ! $pl_config['config']['status'] )
$TimeLine = $TplPlugin;
$name = $this->reURL( $name );
$TimeLine = str_replace("{plugin.tag}", mb_strtolower( $name ), $TimeLine);
$TimeLine = str_replace("{plugin.name}", $pl_config['config']['name'], $TimeLine);
$TimeLine = str_replace("{plugin.active}", "billing-item[active]" . mb_strtolower( $name ) . "[/active]", $TimeLine);
$PluginsList .= $TimeLine;
$Cabinet = preg_replace("'\\[plugin\\].*?\\[/plugin\\]'si", $PluginsList, $Cabinet);
$save_file = fopen( ENGINE_DIR . "/cache/system/billing.php", "w" );
fwrite( $save_file, $Cabinet );
fclose( $save_file );
$Cabinet = str_replace( "{content}", $Content, $Cabinet);
$Cabinet = str_replace( "{module.cabinet}", $this->config['page'] . '.html', $Cabinet);
$Cabinet = str_replace( "{module.skin}", $this->dle['skin'], $Cabinet);
$Cabinet = str_replace( "{user.name}", $this->member_id['name'], $Cabinet);
$Cabinet = str_replace( "{user.balance}", $this->BalanceUser . ' ' . $this->API->Declension( $this->BalanceUser ), $Cabinet);
$Cabinet = str_replace( "{user.foto}", $this->Foto( $this->member_id['foto'] ), $Cabinet);
$Cabinet = str_replace( "[active]" . $this->get_plugin . "[/active]", "-active", $Cabinet);
$Cabinet = preg_replace("'\\[active\\].*?\\[/active\\]'si", '', $Cabinet);
foreach( $this->elements as $key=>$value )
$Cabinet = str_replace( $key, $value, $Cabinet);
foreach( $this->element_block as $key=>$value )
$Cabinet = preg_replace("'\\[".$key."\\].*?\\[/".$key."\\]'si", $value, $Cabinet);
return $Cabinet;
# Заглушка страницы
function ThemeMsg( $title, $errors )
$this->ThemeSetElement( "{msg}", $errors );
$this->ThemeSetElement( "{title}", $title );
return $this->Show( $this->ThemeLoad( "msg" ) );
# Разбор строки доп. информации
function ParsUserXFields( $xfields_str )
$arrUserfields = array();
foreach( explode("||", $xfields_str) as $xfield_str )
$value = explode("|", $xfield_str);
$arrUserfields[$value[0]] = $value[1];
return $arrUserfields;
# Фото пользователя
private function Foto( $foto )
if ( count(explode("@", $foto)) == 2 )
return 'http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/' . md5(trim($foto)) . '?s=150';
else if( $foto and ( file_exists( ROOT_DIR . "/uploads/fotos/" . $foto )) )
return '/uploads/fotos/' . $foto;
elseif( $foto )
return $foto;
return "/templates/{$this->dle['skin']}/dleimages/noavatar.png";
# Строка безопасности
function hash()
return base64_encode( $this->member_id['email'] .'/*\/'. date("H") );
function ThemePregReplace( $tag, &$data, $update = '' )
$data = preg_replace("'\\[$tag\\].*?\\[/$tag\\]'si", $update, $data);
function ThemePregMatch( $theme, $tag )
$answer = array();
preg_match($tag, $theme, $answer);
return $answer[1];
# Альтернативный URL => реальный
function URL( $plugin )
foreach (explode(',', $this->config['urls']) as $url_param)
$url = explode('-', $url_param);
if( $url[1] == $plugin )
return $url[0];
if( $url[0] == $plugin )
header('Location: /' . $this->config['page'] . '.html/' . $url[1] . '/' );
return $plugin;
# Реальный URL => Альтернативный
function reURL( $plugin )
foreach (explode(',', $this->config['urls']) as $url_param)
$url = explode('-', $url_param);
if( $url[0] == $plugin )
return $url[1];
return $plugin;