Здравствуйте=) Есть стандартный файл lastcomments.php, который выводит все последние комменты, и модуль последних комментариев в шаблоне lastcommentsb.php. Есть также раздел на сайте, комменты к которому не должны отображаться в общих списках комментов. Вопрос: как исключить этот раздел из указанных модулей? Там же идет выборка из всех категорий, может можно просто указать все, кроме n-нной? Код lastcomments и lastcommentsb для удобства привожу ниже. Сразу хочу оговориться, что обновлять двиг и ставить свежие модули нет возможности, т.к. оооочень многое изменено под себя. Заранее спасибо за помощь!
die("Hacking attempt!");
$sql = $db->query("SELECT comments.post_id, comments.is_register, comments.text, comments.autor, comments.email, post.id, post.date as newsdate, post.title, post.category, post.alt_name, post.flag FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments as comments, " . PREFIX . "_post as post WHERE post.id=comments.post_id ORDER BY comments.date DESC LIMIT 0,".LIMITCOMM);
while($row = $db->get_row($sql)) {
$row['date'] = strtotime($row['date']);
$row['newsdate'] = strtotime($row['newsdate']);
$row['date'] = strtotime($row['date']);
if (strlen($row['title']) > LIMITTITL)
$title = substr ($row['title'], 0, LIMITTITL)." ...";
$title = $row['title'];
if (strlen($row['text']) > 300)
$text = htmlspecialchars( stripslashes( substr ($row['text'], 0, 300).".." ) );
if (!$row['is_register'] == "1") {
if($row['email'] != ""){
if( preg_match("/^[\.A-z0-9_\-]+[@][A-z0-9_\-]+([.][A-z0-9_\-]+)+[A-z]{1,4}$/", $row['email'])){ $url_target = "";$mail_or_url = "mailto:"; }
else {
$url_target = "target=\"_blank\"";
$mail_or_url = "";
if(substr($row[email],0,3) == "www"){ $mail_or_url = "http://"; } }
if ($mail_or_url == "mailto:") {
$email = explode("@", $row['email'], 2);
$autor = "<script>var em0 = '$email[0]'; document.write('<a href=\"mailto:' + em0 + '@$email[1]\">".$row['autor']."</a>');</script>";
} else {
$autor = "<a $url_target href=\"$mail_or_url".$row[email]."\">".$row['autor']."</a>"; }
} else { $autor = $row['autor']; }
} else {
if ($config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes") {
$autor = "<a href=\"".$config['http_home_url']."user/".urlencode($row['autor'])."/\">".$row['autor']."</a>";
} else {
$autor = "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?subaction=userinfo&user=".urlencode($row['autor'])."\">".$row['autor']."</a>"; } }
$row['date'] = strtotime($row['date']);
$row['category'] = intval($row['category']);
if ($config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes") {
if ($row['flag']) {
if ($row['category']) {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'].get_url($row['category'])."/".$row['id']."-".$row['alt_name'].".html";
} else {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'].$row['id']."-".$row['alt_name'].".html";
} else {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'].date('Y/m/d/', $row['newsdate']).$row['alt_name'].".html";
} else {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url']."index.php?newsid=".$row['id'];
$post = "<a href=\"".$full_link."#comment\">".stripslashes($title)."</a>";
$text = htmlspecialchars(stripslashes($row['text']));
if (SHOWHITHB == "yes") {
$box = "onmouseover=\"showhint('<b>Комментарий</b>:</b><br />{$text}', this, event, '300px')\"";
$lcomm .= "<div {$box}><div onmouseover=\"this.className='lastcomm_over';\" onmouseout=\"this.className='lastcomm';\" class=\"lastcomm\">{$autor} в посте:<br> ⇒ {$post}</div></div>"; }
$lastcommb= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"".$config['http_home_url']."engine/skins/default.js\"></script>".$lcomm."";
if( ! defined( 'DATALIFEENGINE' ) ) {
die( "Hacking attempt!" );
$tpl->load_template( 'comments.tpl' );
if( strpos( $tpl->copy_template, "[xfvalue_" ) !== false ) $xfound = true;
else $xfound = false;
if( $xfound ) $xfields = xfieldsload( true );
$number = intval( $config['comm_nummers'] );
$cstart = intval( $_REQUEST['cstart'] );
$userid = intval( $_REQUEST['userid'] );
if( $cstart < 0 ) $cstart = 0;
if( $cstart ) {
$cstart = $cstart - 1;
$cstart = $cstart * $number;
$i = $cstart;
$s = 0;
$_SESSION['referrer'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$allow_list = explode( ',', $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_cats'] );
$where = array ();
if( $userid ) {
$where[] = PREFIX . "_comments.user_id='$userid'";
$user_query = "do=lastcomments&userid=" . $userid;
} else
$user_query = "do=lastcomments";
if( $allow_list[0] != "all" ) {
$join = "LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "_post ON " . PREFIX . "_comments.post_id=" . PREFIX . "_post.id ";
if( $config['allow_multi_category'] ) {
$where[] = PREFIX . "_post.category regexp '[[:<:]](" . implode( '|', $allow_list ) . ")[[:>:]]'";
} else {
$where[] = PREFIX . "_post.category IN ('" . implode( "','", $allow_list ) . "')";
} else {
$join = "";
if( $config['allow_cmod'] ) {
$where[] = PREFIX . "_comments.approve='1'";
if( count( $where ) ) {
$where = implode( " AND ", $where );
$where = "WHERE " . $where;
} else
$where = "";
$sql_comm = "SELECT " . PREFIX . "_comments.id, post_id, " . PREFIX . "_comments.user_id, " . PREFIX . "_comments.date, " . PREFIX . "_comments.autor as gast_name, " . PREFIX . "_comments.email as gast_email, text, ip, is_register, name, " . USERPREFIX . "_users.email, news_num, " . USERPREFIX . "_users.comm_num, user_group, reg_date, signature, foto, fullname, land, repa, icq, " . USERPREFIX . "_users.xfields as xprofile, " . PREFIX . "_post.title, " . PREFIX . "_post.date as newsdate, " . PREFIX . "_post.alt_name, " . PREFIX . "_post.category, " . PREFIX . "_post.flag FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments LEFT JOIN " . PREFIX . "_post ON " . PREFIX . "_comments.post_id=" . PREFIX . "_post.id LEFT JOIN " . USERPREFIX . "_users ON " . PREFIX . "_comments.user_id=" . USERPREFIX . "_users.user_id " . $where . " ORDER BY date desc LIMIT " . $cstart . "," . $number;
$sql_count = "SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM " . PREFIX . "_comments " . $join . $where;
$sql_result = $db->query( $sql_comm );
$row_count = $db->super_query( $sql_count );
if( ! $db->num_rows( $sql_result ) ) msgbox( $lang['all_info'], $lang['err_last'] );
while ( $row = $db->get_row( $sql_result ) ) {
$row['date'] = strtotime( $row['date'] );
$row['newsdate'] = strtotime( $row['newsdate'] );
$row['gast_name'] = stripslashes( $row['gast_name'] );
$row['gast_email'] = stripslashes( $row['gast_email'] );
$row['name'] = stripslashes( $row['name'] );
$i ++;
$s ++;
if( ! $row['is_register'] or $row['name'] == '' ) {
if( $row['gast_email'] != "" ) {
if( preg_match( "/^[\.A-z0-9_\-]+[@][A-z0-9_\-]+([.][A-z0-9_\-]+)+[A-z]{1,4}$/", $row['gast_email'] ) ) {
$url_target = "";
$mail_or_url = "mailto:";
} else {
$url_target = "target=\"_blank\"";
$mail_or_url = "";
if( substr( $row[email], 0, 3 ) == "www" ) {
$mail_or_url = "http://";
if( $mail_or_url == "mailto:" ) {
$email = explode( "@", $row['gast_email'], 2 );
$tpl->set( '{author}', "<script>var em0 = '$email[0]'; document.write('<a href=\"mailto:' + em0 + '@$email[1]\">" . $row['gast_name'] . "</a>');</script>" );
} else {
$tpl->set( '{author}', "<a $url_target href=\"$mail_or_url" . $row[gast_email] . "\">" . $row['gast_name'] . "</a>" );
} else {
$tpl->set( '{author}', $row['gast_name'] );
} else {
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes" ) {
$go_page = "href=\"" . $config['http_home_url'] . "user/" . urlencode( $row['name'] ) . "/\"";
} else {
$go_page = "href=\"$PHP_SELF?subaction=userinfo&user=" . urlencode( $row['name'] ) . "\"";
$go_page = "onclick=\"return dropdownmenu(this, event, UserMenu('".htmlspecialchars($go_page)."', '".$row['user_id']."', '".$member_id['user_group']."', '".$row['name']."'), '170px')\" onmouseout=\"delayhidemenu()\"";
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes" ) $tpl->set( '{author}', "<a {$go_page} href=\"" . $config['http_home_url'] . "user/" . urlencode( $row['name'] ) . "/\">" . $row['name'] . "</a>" );
else $tpl->set( '{author}', "<a {$go_page} href=\"$PHP_SELF?subaction=userinfo&user=" . urlencode( $row['name'] ) . "\">" . $row['name'] . "</a>" );
if( $is_logged and $member_id['user_group'] == '1' ) $tpl->set( '{ip}', "IP: <a onclick=\"return dropdownmenu(this, event, IPMenu('" . $row['ip'] . "', '" . $lang['ip_info'] . "', '" . $lang['ip_tools'] . "', '" . $lang['ip_ban'] . "'), '190px')\" onmouseout=\"delayhidemenu()\" href=\"http://www.nic.ru/whois/?ip={$row['ip']}\" target=\"_blank\">{$row['ip']}</a>" );
else $tpl->set( '{ip}', '' );
if( $is_logged and (($member_id['name'] == $row['name'] and $row['is_register'] and $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_editc']) or $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['edit_allc']) ) {
$tpl->set( '[com-edit]', "<a onclick=\"return dropdownmenu(this, event, MenuCommBuild('" . $row['id'] . "'), '170px')\" onmouseout=\"delayhidemenu()\" href=\"" . $config['http_home_url'] . "index.php?do=comments&action=comm_edit&id=" . $row['id'] . "\">" );
$tpl->set( '[/com-edit]', "</a>" );
$allow_comments_ajax = true;
} else
$tpl->set_block( "'\[com-edit\](.*?)\[/com-edit\]'si", "" );
if( $is_logged and (($member_id['name'] == $row['name'] and $row['is_register'] and $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_delc']) or $member_id['user_group'] == '1' or $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['del_allc']) ) {
$tpl->set( '[com-del]', "<a href=\"javascript:confirmDelete('" . $config['http_home_url'] . "index.php?do=comments&action=comm_del&id=" . $row['id'] . "&dle_allow_hash=" . $dle_login_hash . "')\">" );
$tpl->set( '[/com-del]', "</a>" );
} else
$tpl->set_block( "'\[com-del\](.*?)\[/com-del\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set_block( "'\[fast\](.*?)\[/fast\]'si", "" );
$tpl->set( '{mail}', $row['email'] );
if( date( Ymd, $row['date'] ) == date( Ymd, $_TIME ) ) {
$tpl->set( '{date}', $lang['time_heute'] . langdate( ", H:i", $row['date'] ) );
} elseif( date( Ymd, $row['date'] ) == date( Ymd, ($_TIME - 86400) ) ) {
$tpl->set( '{date}', $lang['time_gestern'] . langdate( ", H:i", $row['date'] ) );
} else {
$tpl->set( '{date}', langdate( $config['timestamp_comment'], $row['date'] ) );
$tpl->set( '{comment-id}', $row_count['count'] - $cstart - $s + 1 );
// Обработка дополнительных полей
if( $xfound ) {
$xfieldsdata = xfieldsdataload( $row['xprofile'] );
foreach ( $xfields as $value ) {
$preg_safe_name = preg_quote( $value[0], "'" );
if( $value[5] != 1 or $member_id['user_group'] == 1 or ($is_logged and $row['is_register'] and $member_id['name'] == $row['name']) ) {
if( empty( $xfieldsdata[$value[0]] ) ) {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace( "'\[xfgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\](.*?)\[/xfgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\]'is", "", $tpl->copy_template );
} else {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace( "'\[xfgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\](.*?)\[/xfgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\]'is", "\\1", $tpl->copy_template );
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace( "'\[xfvalue_{$preg_safe_name}\]'i", stripslashes( $xfieldsdata[$value[0]] ), $tpl->copy_template );
} else {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace( "'\[xfgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\](.*?)\[/xfgiven_{$preg_safe_name}\]'is", "", $tpl->copy_template );
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace( "'\[xfvalue_{$preg_safe_name}\]'i", "", $tpl->copy_template );
if( strpos( $tpl->copy_template, "[group=" ) !== false ) {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace( "#\[group=(.+?)\](.*?)\[/group\]#ies", "check_group('\\1', '\\2')", $tpl->copy_template );
if( strpos( $tpl->copy_template, "[not-group=" ) !== false ) {
$tpl->copy_template = preg_replace( "#\[not-group=(.+?)\](.*?)\[/not-group\]#ies", "check_group('\\1', '\\2', false)", $tpl->copy_template );
// Обработка дополнительных полей
if( $row['foto'] ) $tpl->set( '{foto}', $config['http_home_url'] . "uploads/fotos/" . $row['foto'] );
else $tpl->set( '{foto}', "{THEME}/images/noavatar.png" );
if( $row['is_register'] and $row['icq'] ) $tpl->set( '{icq}', stripslashes( $row['icq'] ) );
else $tpl->set( '{icq}', '--' );
if( $row['is_register'] and $row['land'] ) $tpl->set( '{land}', stripslashes( $row['land'] ) );
else $tpl->set( '{land}', '--' );
if( $row['is_register'] and $row['fullname'] ) $tpl->set( '{fullname}', stripslashes( $row['fullname'] ) );
else $tpl->set( '{fullname}', '--' );
if( $row['is_register'] ) $tpl->set( '{registration}', langdate( "j.m.Y", $row['reg_date'] ) );
else $tpl->set( '{registration}', '--' );
if($config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes") $tpl->set('{repa}', "<a href=\"".$config['http_home_url']."user/reputation/".urlencode($row['name'])."/\">".$row['repa']."</a>");
else $tpl->set('{repa}', "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?do=reputation&user=".urlencode($row['name'])."\">".$row['repa']."</a>");
if( $row['is_register'] and $row['signature'] and $user_group[$row['user_group']]['allow_signature'] ) {
$tpl->set_block( "'\[signature\](.*?)\[/signature\]'si", "\\1" );
$tpl->set( '{signature}', stripslashes( $row['signature'] ) );
} else {
$tpl->set_block( "'\[signature\](.*?)\[/signature\]'si", "" );
if( ! $row['user_group'] ) $row['user_group'] = 5;
if( $user_group[$row['user_group']]['icon'] ) $tpl->set( '{group-icon}', "<img src=\"" . $user_group[$row['user_group']]['icon'] . "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" />" );
else $tpl->set( '{group-icon}', "" );
$tpl->set( '{group-name}', $user_group[$row['user_group']]['group_name'] );
$tpl->set( '{news-num}', intval( $row['news_num'] ) );
$tpl->set( '{comm-num}', intval( $row['comm_num'] ) );
$row['category'] = intval( $row['category'] );
if( $config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes" ) {
if( $row['flag'] and $config['seo_type'] ) {
if( $row['category'] and $config['seo_type'] == 2 ) {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . get_url( $row['category'] ) . "/" . $row['post_id'] . "-" . $row['alt_name'] . ".html";
} else {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . $row['post_id'] . "-" . $row['alt_name'] . ".html";
} else {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . date( 'Y/m/d/', $row['newsdate'] ) . $row['alt_name'] . ".html";
} else {
$full_link = $config['http_home_url'] . "index.php?newsid=" . $row['post_id'];
$tpl->set( '{news_title}', "<a href=\"" . $full_link . "\">" . stripslashes( $row['title'] ) . "</a>" );
$tpl->set( '{comment}', "<div id='comm-id-" . $row['id'] . "'>" . stripslashes( $row['text'] ) . "</div>" );
if( $user_group[$member_id['user_group']]['allow_hide'] ) $tpl->set_block( "'\[hide\](.*?)\[/hide\]'si", "\\1" );
else $tpl->set_block( "'\[hide\](.*?)\[/hide\]'si", "<div class=\"quote\">" . $lang['news_regus'] . "</div>" );
$tpl->compile( 'content' );
$db->free( $sql_result );
// Навигация по новостям
$tpl->load_template( 'navigation.tpl' );
// Previous link
if( $cstart > 0 ) {
$prev = $cstart / $number;
$prev_page = $PHP_SELF . "?cstart=" . $prev . "&" . $user_query;
$tpl->set_block( "'\[prev-link\](.*?)\[/prev-link\]'si", "<a href=\"" . $prev_page . "\">\\1</a>" );
} else {
$tpl->set_block( "'\[prev-link\](.*?)\[/prev-link\]'si", "<span>\\1</span>" );
$no_prev = TRUE;
// Pages
if( $number ) {
$count_all = $row_count['count'];
$enpages_count = @ceil( $count_all / $number );
$pages = "";
$cstart = ($cstart / $number) + 1;
if( $enpages_count <= 10 ) {
for($j = 1; $j <= $enpages_count; $j ++) {
if( $j != $cstart ) {
$pages .= "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?cstart=$j&$user_query\">$j</a> ";
} else {
$pages .= "<span>$j</span> ";
} else {
$start = 1;
$end = 10;
$nav_prefix = "... ";
if( $cstart > 0 ) {
if( $cstart > 5 ) {
$start = $cstart - 4;
$end = $start + 8;
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$start = $enpages_count - 9;
$end = $enpages_count - 1;
$nav_prefix = "";
} else
$nav_prefix = "... ";
if( $start >= 2 ) {
$pages .= "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?cstart=1&$user_query\">1</a> ... ";
for($j = $start; $j <= $end; $j ++) {
if( $j != $cstart ) {
$pages .= "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?cstart=$j&$user_query\">$j</a> ";
} else {
$pages .= "<span>$j</span> ";
if( $cstart != $enpages_count ) {
$pages .= $nav_prefix . "<a href=\"$PHP_SELF?cstart={$enpages_count}&$user_query\">{$enpages_count}</a>";
} else
$pages .= "<span>{$enpages_count}</span> ";
$tpl->set( '{pages}', $pages );
// Next link
if( $number < $count_all and $i < $count_all ) {
$next_page = $i / $number + 1;
$next = $PHP_SELF . "?cstart=" . $next_page . "&" . $user_query;
$tpl->set_block( "'\[next-link\](.*?)\[/next-link\]'si", "<a href=\"" . $next . "\">\\1</a>" );
} else {
$tpl->set_block( "'\[next-link\](.*?)\[/next-link\]'si", "<span>\\1</span>" );
$no_next = TRUE;
if( ! $no_prev or ! $no_next ) {
$tpl->compile( 'content' );