Здравствуйте, подскажите как подключить пользовательскую
подсказку в Utop 5.0
подсказку в Utop 5.0
@copyright (c) 2013 Nevex Group
@name uTop
@version 5.0
@link http://nevex.pw/
if(!defined('DATALIFEENGINE')) exit();
class uTop {
private $hiddenUsers;
public $config;
private $db;
private $dle_config;
public $cache;
function __construct() {
global $db, $config;
$this->db = $db;
$this->dle_config = $config;
$this->config = $this->loadConfig();
if(! class_exists("nCache")) include_once ENGINE_DIR . "/modules/utop/cache.class.php";
$this->cache = new nCache(ENGINE_DIR . "/modules/utop/cache", $this->config['cache_max_time']);
if(! $this->config['cache']) $this->cache->enable = false;
if(($this->dle_config['cache_type'] == "1") and $this->dle_config['memcache_server']) $this->cache->enableMemcache($this->dle_config['memcache_server']);
$husersdata = file_get_contents(ENGINE_DIR . "/modules/utop/hidden_users.txt");
$hiddenUsersArr = explode(",", $husersdata);
$this->hiddenUsers = $hiddenUsersArr;
public function parseSortList($sorlList) {
$options_list = explode("\n", $sorlList);
$options_result = array();
foreach ($options_list as $str) {
$str = trim($str);
$arr = explode("=", $str);
$option_title = trim($arr[1]);
$option_value = trim($arr[0]);
if($option_title and $option_value) {
$options_result[$option_value] = $option_title;
return $options_result;
public function showSortList(array $sorlList) {
$options_result = array();
foreach ($sorlList as $key => $value) {
$options_result[] = "{$key}={$value}";
return implode("\n", $options_result);
public function parseXfields($xfields) {
if( $xfields == "" ) return;
$xfieldsdata = explode( "||", $xfields );
foreach ( $xfieldsdata as $xfielddata ) {
list ( $xfielddataname, $xfielddatavalue ) = explode( "|", $xfielddata );
$xfielddataname = str_replace( "|", "|", $xfielddataname );
$xfielddataname = str_replace( "__NEWL__", "\r\n", $xfielddataname );
$xfielddatavalue = str_replace( "|", "|", $xfielddatavalue );
$xfielddatavalue = str_replace( "__NEWL__", "\r\n", $xfielddatavalue );
$data = array();
$data[$xfielddataname] = $xfielddatavalue;
return $data;
private function sqlFilters($showGroups, $showBanned, $lastVisitPeriod) {
$sql_filters = array();
$lastVisitPeriod = $lastVisitPeriod ? intval($lastVisitPeriod) : intval($this->config['last_visit_period']);
foreach($showGroups as $key => $value){
if(trim($value) == "") unset($showGroups[$key]);
// фильтр по группам
if(count($showGroups) > 0) {
$sql_where = implode(",", $showGroups);
$sql_where = "`user_group` IN ({$sql_where})";
$sql_filters[] = $sql_where;
// скрытие пользователей, не желающих участвовать в топе
if($this->config['allow_leave_top'] == "1") $sql_filters[] = "`utop_join` = '1'";
// скрытые пользователи
if($this->config['enable_hide_users'] == "1") {
foreach ($this->hiddenUsers as $key=>$user_id) {
if($user_id == "") unset($this->hiddenUsers[$key]);
$sql_hidden = implode(",", $this->hiddenUsers);
$sql_hidden = "`user_id` NOT IN ({$sql_hidden})";
if(count($this->hiddenUsers) > 0) $sql_filters[] = $sql_hidden;
// фильтр забаненых
if(! $showBanned) $sql_filters[] = "`banned` != 'yes'";
// те, кто не посещал сайт более n дней
if($lastVisitPeriod > 0){
$lastVisit = (time() + $this->dle_config['date_adjust'] * 60) - ($lastVisitPeriod * 86400);
$sql_filters[] = "`lastdate` >= {$lastVisit}";
$result_query = "";
if(count($sql_filters) > 0) {
$result_query = implode(" AND ", $sql_filters);
$result_query = "WHERE " . $result_query;
return $result_query;
public function formatDate($date_format, $date) {
$day_start = mktime('00', '00', '00', date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
$day_end = mktime('23', '59', '59', date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
$day_yesterday = $day_start - (3600 * 24);
if(($date >= $day_start) AND ($date <= $day_end) AND ($this->config['offest_date_format'] == "1")) {
$return = "Сегодня, " . langdate("H:i", $date);
} elseif(($date >= $day_yesterday) AND ($this->config['offest_date_format'] == "1")) {
$return = "Вчера, " . langdate("H:i", $date);
} else {
$return = langdate($date_format, $date);
return $return;
public function getSortList(){ return $this->config['sort_list']; }
// Получаем отсортированный список пользователей из БД
private function loadFromDB($limit, $showGroups, $showBanned, $sortBy, $sortOrder, $lastVisitPeriod) {
$sql_where = $this->sqlFilters($showGroups, $showBanned, $lastVisitPeriod);
$data = array();
$this->db->query("SELECT {$this->config['sql_rows']} FROM ".PREFIX."_users AS users {$this->config['sql_join']} {$sql_where} ORDER BY `{$sortBy}` {$sortOrder} LIMIT 0, {$limit}");
while($row = $this->db->get_row()) {
// Удаляем ненужную информацию о пользователе
unset($row['password'], $row['allow_mail'], $row['hash'], $row['signature'], $row['logged_ip'], $row['favorites'], $row['pm_all'], $row['pm_unread'], $row['time_limit'], $row['allowed_ip'], $row['restricted_days'], $row['restricted_date']);
$row['xfields'] = $this->parseXfields($row['xfields']);
$data[] = $row;
return $data;
// Получение массива с пользователями из кеша/БД
public function getData($limit, $showGroups, $showBanned, $sortBy, $sortOrder, $cacheTime, $lastVisitPeriod) {
global $user_group;
$limit = $limit ? intval($limit) : $this->config['max_user'];
foreach(explode(",", $showGroups) as $key => $value) $showGroups[$key] = intval($value);
} else $showGroups = $this->config['show_groups'];
$showBanned = $showBanned ? intval($showBanned) : $this->config['show_banned'];
$sortBy = $sortBy ? $sortBy : $this->config['sort_type'];
if($sortBy == "utop_rand"){
$sorts = $this->config['sort_list'];
$sorts = array_keys($sorts);
$index = rand(0, count($sorts)-1);
$sortBy = $sorts[$index];
$sortOrder = (($sortOrder == "ASC") or ($sortOrder == "DESC")) ? $sortOrder : $this->config['sort_order'];
if($cacheTime) $cacheTime = intval($cacheTime);
else $cacheTime = NULL;
$cacheName = md5("{$limit}-" . implode(",", $showGroups) . "-{$showBanned}-{$sortBy}-{$sortOrder}-{$lastVisitPeriod}");
if(! $data = $this->cache->get("block_{$cacheName}")){
// загрузка из БД
$data = $this->loadFromDB($limit, $showGroups, $showBanned, $sortBy, $sortOrder, $lastVisitPeriod);
foreach ($data as $num=>$userinfo) {
// ссылка на аватар
if(($userinfo['foto'] != "") AND (file_exists(ROOT_DIR . "/uploads/fotos/{$userinfo['foto']}"))) {
$userinfo['foto'] = "{$this->dle_config['http_home_url']}uploads/fotos/{$userinfo['foto']}";
} elseif (file_exists(ROOT_DIR . "/templates/{$this->dle_config['skin']}/dleimages/noavatar.png")) { // noavatar fix (9.7+)
$userinfo['foto'] = "{$this->dle_config['http_home_url']}templates/{$this->dle_config['skin']}/dleimages/noavatar.png";
} else {
$userinfo['foto'] = "{$this->dle_config['http_home_url']}templates/{$this->dle_config['skin']}/images/noavatar.png";
$userinfo['group_id'] = $userinfo['user_group'];
$userinfo['user_group'] = $user_group[$userinfo['group_id']]['group_name'];
$userinfo['user_group_formated'] = $user_group[$userinfo['group_id']]['group_prefix'] . $user_group[$userinfo['group_id']]['group_name'] . $user_group[$userinfo['group_id']]['group_suffix'];
$userinfo['url_name'] = urlencode($userinfo['name']);
$userinfo['profile_link'] = ($this->dle_config['allow_alt_url'] == "yes") ? "{$this->dle_config['http_home_url']}user/{$userinfo['url_name']}/" : "{$this->dle_config['http_home_url']}index.php?subaction=userinfo&user={$userinfo['url_name']}";
switch($this->config['nick_format_mode']) {
case "color" :
if($this->config["group{$userinfo['group_id']}_color"] != "") {
$userinfo['name_formated'] = "<span style=\"color:" . $this->config["group{$userinfo['group_id']}_color"] . "\">{$userinfo['name']}</span>";
} else {
$userinfo['name_formated'] = $userinfo['name'];
case "group_settings" :
$userinfo['name_formated'] = $user_group[$userinfo['group_id']]['group_prefix'] . $userinfo['name'] . $user_group[$userinfo['group_id']]['group_suffix'];
default :
$userinfo['name_formated'] = $userinfo['name'];
$data[$num] = $userinfo;
if($cacheTime) $this->cache->set("block_{$cacheName}", $data, $cacheTime);
else $this->cache->set("block_{$cacheName}", $data);
foreach ($data as $num=>$userinfo) {
$userinfo['reg_date'] = $this->formatDate($this->config['regdate_format'], $userinfo['reg_date']);
$userinfo['lastdate'] = $this->formatDate($this->config['lastdate_format'], $userinfo['lastdate']);
$data[$num] = $userinfo;
return $data;
static function loadConfig(){
include ENGINE_DIR . "/modules/utop/config.php";
return $uconf;
static function convertCharset($value, $inCharset, $outCharset){
foreach($value as $key => $val) $value[$key] = uTop::convertCharset($val, $charset);
} else {
$value = iconv($inCharset, $outCharset, $value);
return $value;
static function saveConfig(array $newConfig, $charset){
$configFile = ENGINE_DIR . "/modules/utop/config.php";
if(file_exists($configFile) and (!is_writable($configFile))){
return "<b>Ошибка:</b> файл <b>{$configFile}</b> недоступен для записи.";
$newConfig['version'] = "5.0";
if($f = @fopen($configFile, "w+")){
$contents = "<?php\n# uTop Config File\n# (c) 2013 Nevex Group\n\n\$uconf = " . var_export($newConfig, true) . ";\n";
fputs($f, ($charset) ? uTop::convertCharset($contents, "utf-8", $charset) : $contents);
return 1;
} else return "<b>Ошибка:</b> не удалось произвести запись в файл <b>{$configFile}</b>. Проверьте права доступа.";